特集 トランプツイッター(トランプのつぶやき)


Great news, as a result of our TAX CUTS & JOBS ACT!

現地時間 1/11 10:37
(FOXニュース: ウォルマート賃上げとボーナス支給)

With that being said, I have personally directed the fix to the unmasking process since taking office and today’s vote is about foreign surveillance of foreign bad guys on foreign land. We need it! Get smart!

現地時間 1/11 9:14

“45 year low in illegal immigration this year.” @foxandfriends

現地時間 1/11 8:11
「今年(2017年)の不法移民件数、過去45年間で最低」FOX and friends

“House votes on controversial FISA ACT today.” This is the act that may have been used, with the help of the discredited and phony Dossier, to so badly surveil and abuse the Trump Campaign by the previous administration and others?

現地時間 1/11 7:33

(注) FISA: スパイ活動やテロの疑いのある市民による外国の情報活動に対する捜索や監視に関して定めた法律。

In new Quinnipiac Poll, 66% of people feel the economy is “Excellent or Good.” That is the highest number ever recorded by this poll.

現地時間 1/11 6:43

Disproven and paid for by Democrats “Dossier used to spy on Trump Campaign. Did FBI use Intel tool to influence the Election?” @foxandfriends Did Dems or Clinton also pay Russians? Where are hidden and smashed DNC servers? Where are Crooked Hillary Emails? What a mess!

現地時間 1/11 6:33
民主党が反証したし、金を出した「疑惑文書はトランプ陣営を偵察していた。FBIは調査技法を選挙介入に使ったのか?」FOX and friends

Good news: Toyota and Mazda announce giant new Huntsville, Alabama, plant which will produce over 300,000 cars and SUV’s a year and employ 4000 people. Companies are coming back to the U.S. in a very big way. Congratulations Alabama!

現地時間 1/10 23:29

(注) 新工場建設は複数の候補がある中、生産や輸送の面でアラバマ州に決まった。

Cutting taxes and simplifying regulations makes America the place to invest! Great news as Toyota and Mazda announce they are bringing 4,000 JOBS and investing $1.6 BILLION in Alabama, helping to further grow our economy!

現地時間 1/10 18:37

(注) 両社共同で2021年稼働予定の組立工場を建設予定。

The United States needs the security of the Wall on the Southern Border, which must be part of any DACA approval. The safety and security of our country is #1!

現地時間 1/10 20:07
米国は南部国境の壁による警備強化が必要で、DACA(送還猶予措置) 継続合意の一部条件とすべきだ。米国の安全と治安が第1だ!

Today, it was my great honor to welcome Prime Minister Erna Solberg of Norway to the @WhiteHouse - a great friend and ally of the United States! Joint press conference: 45.wh.gov/BzL9PX

現地時間 1/10 16:31

I want to thank my @Cabinet for working tirelessly on behalf of our country. 2017 was a year of monumental achievement and we look forward to the year ahead. Together, we are delivering results and MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! 45.wh.gov/CabinetMeeting

現地時間 1/10 15:08

The single greatest Witch Hunt in American history continues. There was no collusion, everybody including the Dems knows there was no collusion, & yet on and on it goes. Russia & the world is laughing at the stupidity they are witnessing. Republicans should finally take control!

現地時間 1/10 10:14

The fact that Sneaky Dianne Feinstein, who has on numerous occasions stated that collusion between Trump/Russia has not been found, would release testimony in such an underhanded and possibly illegal way, totally without authorization, is a disgrace. Must have tough Primary!

現地時間 1/10 10:00
何度もトランプのロシア疑惑の証拠は見つからなかったと発言していた卑劣なダイアン・ファインスタイン議員が、汚い手を使い、恐らくは違法に権限もなく(シンプソン氏の) 証言を公開したのは不名誉なことだ。予備選では苦戦するぞ!

(注) 共謀疑惑文書作成を依頼した「フュージョンGPS」創業者のグレン・シンプソン氏の非公開の公聴会証言を公表した。

It just shows everyone how broken and unfair our Court System is when the opposing side in a case (such as DACA) always runs to the 9th Circuit and almost always wins before being reversed by higher courts.

現地時間 1/10 9:11

(注) DACA撤廃に関する超党派会議が行われた日と同日、第9巡回裁判所がこれを阻止した。

.@ICEgov HSI agents and ERO officers, on behalf of an entire Nation, THANK YOU for what you are doing 24/7/365 to keep fellow American’s SAFE. Everyone is so grateful! #LawEnforcementAppreciationDay President @realDonaldTrump

現地時間 1/9 23:23
米国の安全を不眠不休で守っているICE (移民・関税執行局)、HSI(国土安全捜査官)、執行および除去隊員の皆に感謝。国民も感謝している!
(ICEのツイート: 日々、我々は国境警備や税関管理、移民対処に当たっている。#警備感謝デー)

Thank you @GOPLeader Kevin McCarthy! Couldn’t agree w/you more. TOGETHER, we are #MAGA

現地時間 1/9 22:48
(マッカーシーのツイート: 税制改革で、全ての国民が恩恵を受けている。これは米国再生の始まりである。動画「低税率と好景気で既に減税の効果が出ている」)

As I made very clear today, our country needs the security of the Wall on the Southern Border, which must be part of any DACA approval.

現地時間 1/9 19:16
今日明言した通り、我が国は、DACA(幼少期に米国に到着した移民への執行延期措置) 承認の条件として、南部国境の厳重警備をしなければならない。

“Utilities cutting rates, cite benefits of Trump tax reform”

現地時間 1/9 13:13
Examiner記事: ワシントンのPepco、パシフィック電力など各社が公共料金値下げ計画を公表。税制改革を理由にあげる。法人税減税後に従業員の賃上げやボーナスも検討。

Today, it was my great honor to sign a new Executive Order to ensure Veterans have the resources they need as they transition back to civilian life. We must ensure that our HEROES are given the care and support they so richly deserve! 45.wh.gov/HEROES

現地時間 1/9 18:07

Thanks to all of the Republican and Democratic lawmakers for today’s very productive meeting on immigration reform. There was strong agreement to negotiate a bill that deals with border security, chain migration, lottery and DACA. 45.wh.gov/POTUS45

現地時間 1/9 17:51

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