特集 トランプツイッター(トランプのつぶやき)


The Lamestream Media, including @FoxNews, which has really checked out, is refusing to show what is REALLY going on in Portland, Seattle, and other places. They want the American public to believe that these are just some wonderful protesters, not radical left ANARCHISTS!

現地時間 7/26 15:37

There is NO WAY a place like Pennsylvania can vote for the Radical Left and their puppet, Joe Biden, when they are against fracking, steel production, and just about everything else that Pennsylvania stands for. Likewise, Texas, and many other states!!!

現地時間 7/26 15:31

So the Washington Post is running the Reagan Foundation, and RINO Paul Ryan is on the Board of Fox, which has been terrible. We will win anyway, even with the phony @FoxNews suppression polls (which have been seriously wrong for 5 years)!

現地時間 7/26 14:30

The Trump Campaign has more ENTHUSIASM, according to many, than any campaign in the history of our great Country - Even more than 2016. Biden has NONE! The Silent Majority will speak on NOVEMBER THIRD!!! Fake Suppression Polls & Fake News will not save the Radical Left.

現地時間 7/26 9:06

Crazy Nancy Pelosi said I made a mistake when I banned people from infected China from entering the U.S. in January. Tens of thousands of lives were saved, as she danced in the Streets of Chinatown (SF) in late February. Biden agreed with her, but soon admitted that I was right!

現地時間 7/26 8:57

Brett LOVES Wisconsin, Mississippi and Minnesota. A good golfer - hits it LONG!

現地時間 7/26 8:46
[Alex Salvi(OANN司会者):トランプ大統領が元アメフト選手クウォーターバックのブレット・ファーヴとゴルフをした。]

This week you had Joe Biden call Arizona a CITY. Nothing matters with him, however, because the Opposition Party (Lamestream Media) covers everything up - especially the corruption. The Obama/Biden Administration is the most corrupt in history. They even spied on my campaign!

現地時間 7/26 8:38

Thank you Jon!

現地時間 7/26 0:57


現地時間 7/25 22:57


現地時間 7/25 22:54


現地時間 7/25 22:52

My Administration is closely monitoring Hurricane Douglas off Hawaii & Hurricane Hanna, which has now made landfall in Texas. We continue to coordinate closely with both states - listen to your emergency management officials @Hawaii_EMA & @TDEM to protect your family & property!

現地時間 7/25 19:13
[国立ハリケーンセンター:最大風速90メートルを維持したままハリケーン「ハナ」が中部時間午後5時にテキサス州パドレ島に上陸。詳細はこちらVisit hurricanes.gov]

One of the greats in the history of television, Regis Philbin has passed on to even greater airwaves, at 88. He was a fantastic person, and my friend. He kept telling me to run for President. Holds the record for “most live television”, and he did it well. Regis, we love you.... ....And to Joy, his wonderful wife who he loved so much, my warmest condolences!!!

現地時間 7/25 16:15

The Democrats in the House are trying to undo my big win Travel Ban Bill, which successfully keeps very bad and dangerous people out of our great Country. Passed along party lines. Hopefully, will be DEAD in the Senate! The Dems have gone Stone Cold Left - Venezuela on steroids!

現地時間 7/25 7:43
下院の民主党員は、危険人物や悪い人々を米国に寄せ付けない、私の大勝利である入国制限法案を廃止しようとしている。入国禁止令廃止法案(No Ban Act)を党の方針に沿って通過させた。だが上手くいけば、上院で無くなるだろう!民主党は完全に左傾し、極端にしたベネズエラのようだ!


現地時間 7/25 7:22
[Antoine Tucker for Congress NY-14:トランプが問題ないという証拠が欲しければ、聞いてシェアしてくれ。「トランプは人種差別主義でなく国民のことを考えている。民主党は権力にしか興味がない。」]

Yesterday I signed four measures that will massively reduce the prices of prescription drugs, in many cases by more than 50%. Nothing like this has ever been done before because Big Pharma, with its vast power, would not let it happen. Expensive Insulin went from big dollars..... ...to virtual pennies. Epi-pens went from their incredibly high, jacked up prices, to lower than their original give away bargains. Biggest price reductions in history, by far! Nothing like this has ever for our citizens, especially our Seniors. REMEMBER YOUR FAVORITE PRESIDENT!

現地時間 7/25 7:09

Congratulations Jim. It was a great and beautiful event. Well deserved!

現地時間 7/25 0:17

Wow. Win in 2020!!!

現地時間 7/24 23:34
[Mona Salama:コロナ禍でカジノが半分営業しているように人数を制限し、ネバダ教会のミサ参加者の上限を50人としている制限の解除を求めた訴えを最高裁が5対4で却下。ジョン・ロバーツ首席判事が4人のリベラル派判事側についた。]

So Obama and his team of lowlifes spied on my campaign, and got caught - Open and shut case! More papers released today which are devastating to them. Will they ever pay the price? The political Crime of the Century!

現地時間 7/24 19:38

96% Approval Rating in the Republican Party. Thank you!

現地時間 7/24 18:57

1 ... 150 151 152 . 160 170 180 . 833

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