特集 トランプツイッター(トランプのつぶやき)


Radical Dimms embarrass themselves: Debate over anti-Semitism charges exposes divide in Democratic Party. news.trust.org/item/201903072… #MAGA #AmericaFirst #Dobbs

現地時間 3/8 8:22

#AmericaFirst - @marc_lotter: Democrats couldn’t condemn anti-semitism. That’s because the radical, left-wing socialists have taken over. Nancy Pelosi is having a hard time keeping Dems together. It is a shameful display of how our democracy works. #MAGA #TrumpTrain #Dobbs

現地時間 3/7 19:44
アメリカファースト。 ロッター選対通信戦略:民主党は反ユダヤ主義を批判せず。過激左派社会主義が浸透しているからだ。ペロシは民主党の手綱を取るのに苦心している。我が国の民主主義の恥ずべき姿だ。

.@JudicialWatch exposed that Clinton operation and FBI paying Steele at the same time here: judicialwatch.org/press-room/pre…

現地時間 3/8 15:40
Judicial Watchより、クリントン側とFBIが、スティールに同時に支払いをしていた:記事リンク
[ショーン・デービス(federist共同創設者) のツイート引用:昨年8月ブルース・オーが下院で、スティールはFBIとフュージョンGPSから同時に報酬を受けていたと証言。スティールはロシア財閥Oleg Deripaskaからも(FBIがマナフォートを捜査するよう仕向けるため)雇われていた。]

NEW: Cohen Testimony is Abuse of @RealDonaldTrump: Deep State Abuse and Leaks Targets Trump Family/WH On Security Clearances; and Clinton email scandal witnesses set to testify to @JudicialWatch attorneys. Big Judicial Watch Update! youtu.be/c2RkB6vbvY0

現地時間 3/1 22:23
最新記事: コーエンの証言はトランプへの嫌がらせ:闇の政府や漏洩者はトランプ一家や政権を標的に:機密アクセス権でクリントンのメール騒動の複数証人が証言へ。Judicial Watchの最新ニュース!

Sessions didn’t have a clue!

現地時間 3/8 15:50
[スペリーのツイート引用:マッケイブはトランプだけでなくセッションズも調査。セッションズ調査の指示も前代未聞。と元連邦検事Solomon L. Wisenberg]

Aluminum prices are down 12% since I instituted Tariffs on Aluminum Dumping - and the U.S. will be taking in Billions, plus jobs. Nice!

現地時間 3/8 15:45

Cohen claimed his shady father-in-law’s "in the clothing business" when in fact he’s loan shark in same taxicab medallion biz as Cohen. More, his father-in-law’s a convicted fraudster who was named, along with Cohen’s wife, in investigation. Cohen chose to sing on Trump instead

現地時間 3/6 12:45

BREAKING: Democratic Rep. Jerry "Joe McCarthy" Nadler, who just yesterday declared that Trump obstructed justice, just now on CNN admitted he doesn’t have the facts to prove obstruction of justice but just personally knows it to be true and will investigate. #DemFishingExpedition

現地時間 3/4 19:25

Despite running informants/stings on Trump camp, electronically spying for yr,unmasking NSA intercepts, rummaging thru Trump fixer’s files, recordings, garbage, exploiting British intel & probing by CIA, FBI/DOJ, DOS, SSCI/HPSCI, MSM & SCO, Deep State still cannot prove collusion

現地時間 3/5 14:26

Glenn Simpson & Christopher Steele r 2 of biggest villains in Russia collusion hoax, yet neither has faced serious scrutiny. They manufactured & seeded the dossier lies & disinformation. Yet Simpson still hasnt been subpoenaed to testify publicly before Senate. Ur move Sen Graham

現地時間 3/8 12:35

Now that even some MSM acknowledging there never was a "collusion" scandal, when will MSM start investigating the real scandal of Obama DOJ/FBI & Clinton campaign making it look like there was? Oh that’s right, the MSM were accomplices in that scandal. Never mind. #MediaCollusion

現地時間 3/7 14:24

We have reached 6,577,623 pledged new career opportunities, apprenticeships, continuing education and on-the-job training for American students and workers from 205 companies and trade associations!

現地時間 3/6 13:40

Congratulations to Heather Wilson, who is the sole finalist to become the next President of University of Texas at El Paso effective September 1, 2019. Heather has done an absolutely fantastic job... ....as Secretary of the Air Force, and I know she will be equally great in the very important world of higher education. A strong thank you to Heather for her service.

現地時間 3/8 13:47

Bad lawyer and fraudster Michael Cohen said under sworn testimony that he never asked for a Pardon. His lawyers totally contradicted him. He lied! Additionally, he directly asked me for a pardon. I said NO. He lied again! He also badly wanted to work at the White House. He lied!

現地時間 3/8 11:04

Heading now to the Great State of Alabama!

現地時間 3/8 9:59

On International Women’s Day, we honor women worldwide for their vital role in shaping and strengthening our communities, families, governments, and businesses...

現地時間 3/8 9:13

Women’s unemployment rate is down to 3.6% - was 7.9% in January, 2011. Things are looking good!

現地時間 3/8 8:58

We are apprehending record numbers of illegal immigrants - but we need the Wall to help our great Border Patrol Agents!

現地時間 3/8 8:54

“This is as good a time as I can remember to be an American Worker. We have the strongest economy in the world.” Stuart Varney @foxandfriends So true!

現地時間 3/8 8:43

Both the Judge and the lawyer in the Paul Manafort case stated loudly and for the world to hear that there was NO COLLUSION with Russia. But the Witch Hunt Hoax continues as you now add these statements to House & Senate Intelligence & Senator Burr. So bad for our Country!

現地時間 3/8 8:30

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