特集 トランプツイッター(トランプのつぶやき)


...said was a total lie, but Fake Media won’t show it. I am an innocent man being persecuted by some very bad, conflicted & corrupt people in a Witch Hunt that is illegal & should never have been allowed to start - And only because I won the Election! Despite this, great success!

現地時間 3/2 10:44

(動画: CPACでの演説)

現地時間 3/2 20:39

We’ve got NASA “rocking” again. Great activity and success. Congrats to SPACEX and all!

現地時間 3/2 19:48

(注) 米スペースXの有人型ドラゴン宇宙船が初の無人打ち上げに成功し、国際宇宙ステーションに到着。

The brand new manuscript for a new book by failed lawyer Michael Cohen shows his testimony was a total lie! Pundits should only use it.

現地時間 3/2 19:34

Virtually everything failed lawyer Michael Cohen said in his sworn testimony last week is totally contradicted in his just released manuscript for a book about me. It’s a total new love letter to “Trump” and the pols must now use it rather than his lies for sentence reduction!

現地時間 3/2 19:27

Thank you @marklevinshow!

現地時間 3/1 11:21

Pence says President Trump has "no higher priority than the safety of the American people." #CPAC2019

現地時間 3/1 10:36

Get your OFFICIAL campaign merchandise @ Shop.DonaldJTrump.com or, if you’re at @CPAC, check out our Official booth!” #TeamTrump

現地時間 3/1 14:39

Will be speaking at CPAC at 11:30 this morning. Record crowd, live broadcast. Enjoy!

現地時間 3/2 8:40
今日11:30からCPAC(保守政治活動会議) で演説をする。記録的観客数、生放送だ。お楽しみに!

Very proud of perhaps the greatest golf course anywhere in the world. Also, furthers U.K. relationship!

現地時間 3/2 8:31

[トランプ・オーガニゼーション(トランプ一族経営の複合企業) のツイート引用: トランプ保有のスコットランドのゴルフ場は景観が最高。とマーティン・ホーツリー(ゴルフ場設計士)]

I have asked China to immediately remove all Tariffs on our agricultural products (including beef, pork, etc.) based on the fact that we are moving along nicely with Trade discussions.... ....and I did not increase their second traunch of Tariffs to 25% on March 1st. This is very important for our great farmers - and me!

現地時間 3/1 18:08
中国との通商交渉が順当に進んでいるため、私は中国に対し、直ちに米国産農産物 (牛肉や豚肉を含む) への関税を撤廃するよう要求した。3月1日の25%への関税引き上げを延期した。これは米国の農家、そして私にとっても、非常に重要だ!

I never like being misinterpreted, but especially when it comes to Otto Warmbier and his great family. Remember, I got Otto out along with three others. The previous Administration did nothing, and he was taken on their watch. Of course I hold North Korea responsible.... ....for Otto’s mistreatment and death. Most important, Otto Warmbier will not have died in vain. Otto and his family have become a tremendous symbol of strong passion and strength, which will last for many years into the future. I love Otto and think of him often!

現地時間 3/1 16:03

Michael Cohen’s book manuscript shows that he committed perjury on a scale not seen before. He must have forgotten about his book when he testified. What does Hillary Clinton’s lawyer, Lanny Davis, say about this one. Is he being paid by Crooked Hillary. Using her lawyer?

現地時間 3/1 8:37

...and the fraudulent and dishonest statements he made on Wednesday. No way, it’s time to stop this corrupt and illegally brought Witch Hunt. Time to start looking at the other side where real crimes were committed. Republicans have been abused long enough. Must end now!

現地時間 3/1 8:26

Oh’ I see! Now that the 2 year Russian Collusion case has fallen apart, there was no Collusion except bye Crooked Hillary and the Democrats, they say, “gee, I have an idea, let’s look at Trump’s finances and every deal he has ever done. Let’s follow discredited Michael Cohen.....

現地時間 3/1 8:19
ああ、分かったぞ!2年間のロシア共謀疑惑が崩れ (ヒラリーと民主党側以外) 、「よし、いい考えがあるぞ、トランプの財産や取引歴を調べてみよう」となったのだ。不誠実なコーエンを追ってみよう…

Congress must demand the transcript of Michael Cohen’s new book, given to publishers a short time ago. Your heads will spin when you see the lies, misrepresentations and contradictions against his Thursday testimony. Like a different person! He is totally discredited!

現地時間 3/1 8:08

Wow, just revealed that Michael Cohen wrote a “love letter to Trump” manuscript for a new book that he was pushing. Written and submitted long after Charlottesville and Helsinki, his phony reasons for going rogue. Book is exact opposite of his fake testimony, which now is a lie!

現地時間 3/1 8:00
なんと、マイケル・コーエンが売り込んでいる新刊本の宣伝文句が「トランプへのラブレター」となっていたことが分かったという。彼がトランプ背信の理由とするシャーロッツビルやヘルシンキのずっと後に執筆や提出されたものだ。本の内容は証言(今は偽証と分かった) とは全く違うものだ!

Great to be back from Vietnam, an amazing place. We had very substantive negotiations with Kim Jong Un - we know what they want and they know what we must have. Relationship very good, let’s see what happens!

現地時間 3/1 7:49

Today in Alaska, it was my great honor to visit with our brave men and women of the United States Military at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson. We are forever grateful for their service and sacrifice. THANK YOU!

現地時間 2/28 23:35
今日アラスカで、ジョイントベース・エルメンドルフ - リチャードソン(軍事基地)の勇敢な兵士諸君に会い光栄であった。我々は常に諸君の任務と献身に感謝している!


現地時間 2/28 23:00
(米朝会談記者会見: 金正恩は素晴らしい人で、我々の関係は強固で2日間の交渉は生産的だったが、合意には至らなかった。)

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