特集 トランプツイッター(トランプのつぶやき)



現地時間 9/19 20:50
(動画: カロライナ州視察の様子)

Great new book by Jason Chaffetz appropriately called “The Deep State.” Very interesting indeed!

現地時間 9/19 19:57
ジェイソン・チャフェッツ(元下院議員)による新刊本、当にこう呼ぶに相応しい「ディープステート(闇政府) 」は、大変興味深い本だ!

Just returned to the White House from the Great States of North Carolina and South Carolina where incredible work is being done on the ongoing fight against hurricane Florence. Tremendous talent and spirit!

現地時間 9/19 19:37

“President Donald J. Trump’s Administration is Providing Support to Those Impacted by Hurricane Florence”

現地時間 9/19 13:49

“North Korea recommits to denuclearization - we’ve come a long way.” @FoxNews

現地時間 9/19 7:43
「北朝鮮が再度 非核化を宣言。ようやくここまで来た。」FOX and friends

....it was impossible - and then already it’s over 4%, and I expect it’s going to grow faster and faster. We’re just getting started here.” Peter Ferrara, former advisor to President Reagan. @foxandfriends

現地時間 9/19 7:40
…そんなことは不可能だと言われる中で。そして既に4%超だ。私はまだまだ成長するとみている。我々はまだ始動したばかりなのだ。」とレーガン元大統領顧問ピーター・フェラーラ。FOX and friendsより。

“The recovery got started on Election Day 2016. It took Trump’s Tax Cuts and Regulation Cuts to get the economy booming. Before that it was the worst and slowest economic recovery since the Great Depression. It took just 6 months for Trump to get to 3%, even though they said.....

現地時間 9/19 7:34

....returned home to the United States. Also, North and South Korea will file a joint bid to host the 2032 Olympics. Very exciting!

現地時間 9/19 0:11

Kim Jong Un has agreed to allow Nuclear inspections, subject to final negotiations, and to permanently dismantle a test site and launch pad in the presence of international experts. In the meantime there will be no Rocket or Nuclear testing. Hero remains to continue being........

現地時間 9/19 0:04

The Supreme Court is one of the main reasons I got elected President. I hope Republican Voters, and others, are watching, and studying, the Democrats Playbook.

現地時間 9/18 23:45


現地時間 9/18 19:42
[メッセージ動画: ハリケーン救助チームへの労い。犠牲者へのお悔み。住民に対し警戒を呼びかけ。)

Today, it was my great honor to welcome @prezydentpl Andrzej Duda of Poland to the @WhiteHouse!

現地時間 9/18 17:20

Today, I took action to strengthen our Nation’s defenses against biological threats. For the first time in history, the Federal Government has a National Biodefense Strategy to address the FULL RANGE of biological threats!

現地時間 9/18 14:21

Thank you to our great Coast Guard for doing such a tremendous job - thousands of lives being saved! instagram.com/p/Bn34sD1jwbk/

現地時間 9/18 11:59
(動画: 救助の様子)

...that FEMA, our Military, and our First Responders, who are all unbelievable, are a disaster and not doing a good job. This will be a total lie, but that’s what they do, and everybody knows it!

現地時間 9/18 11:50

Right now, everybody is saying what a great job we are doing with Hurricane Florence - and they are 100% correct. But don’t be fooled, at some point in the near future the Democrats will start ranting...

現地時間 9/18 11:50

Happy 71st Birthday to our GREAT United States Air Force!

現地時間 9:26

.....China has been taking advantage of the United States on Trade for many years. They also know that I am the one that knows how to stop it. There will be great and fast economic retaliation against China if our farmers, ranchers and/or industrial workers are targeted!

現地時間 9/18 8:55

China has openly stated that they are actively trying to impact and change our election by attacking our farmers, ranchers and industrial workers because of their loyalty to me. What China does not understand is that these people are great patriots and fully understand that.....

現地時間 9/18 8:50

....campaign, which is unprecedented in our history.” Congressman Peter King Really bad things were happening, but they are now being exposed. Big stuff!

現地時間 9/18 8:45

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